What Are the Benefits of Funeral Videography?
Funeral videography is one of the most important aspects of a funeral. Funeral videos are meant to be shared with loved ones and friends who could not attend. The video can also be used for memories in the future, or as a way to remember your loved one if they were taken from you too soon.
A lot of people don't understand how important it is to have a service like this done and think that it's an unusual thing to do and not a necessity at all. I would like to prove them wrong by explaining all the benefits that funeral videography services offer!
What are funeral video services?
Firstly, funeral video services are a way to capture the memories and emotions of a loved one's funeral. A Toronto funeral videographer will come to the service and film the traditions and rituals of the ceremony as it happens. Some times, as the best funeral videographers in Toronto, we are asked to show up at a Toronto funeral home to capture all the details and events leading up to the funeral service. In some cases, funeral videographers are asked to interview a few family members and friends about the deceased to get their thoughts and memories on a funeral video. The final product is realistically a tribute video or what others call a “memorial video”, that can be shared with loved ones who could not attend the funeral. It's a great way to keep those memories alive and to celebrate the life of your loved one.
Why use this service?
During a time when the world has isolated itself from others due to strict social distancing regulations, funeral videographers have been able to bring people back together with a tasteful and respectful service. This is especially true when it comes to new methods of distributing event videography through live streaming services. Since the pandemic has taken into effect, our Toronto live streaming service have increased tremendously. Bringing the purpose of having a funeral videographer to a whole new meaning.
Live stream your funeral to your home!
We now live in a time where you can have a funeral videographer live stream the event to your very own home. The ability to watch a funeral service at any hour of the day has given many people a sense of hope and relief in knowing that they are still able to participate, even though they cannot be there physically. This has helped soothe those who were not allowed into their locales due to quarantine laws.
Let us take care of Toronto funeral video services
Having a Toronto event videographer capture your funeral service is also an excellent way to show your family and friends that you care. Now, they will be able to see the funeral service whenever they please because it is recorded for them forever.
Our best Toronto event videographers can accommodate any request in order to fulfill your loved ones final wishes. Our award winning Toronto video productions services allow participants of the event to make their own requests when preparing a funeral videography package. Some people may not want certain religious aspects included while others would like everything played out exactly as planned. As Toronto videographers we do our best to accommodate our clients needs.
A sense of closure…
Funerals are a very difficult time for any family, but with the help of our compassionate, and yet creative funeral videographers we can make this process a little bit easier. Having a recorded video from the funeral service will give you or your loved one’s peace of mind and allow you to remember the day exactly as it happened. One of the most common testimonials we hear back from our clients is that having a keepsake, as such as a loved one's funeral is comforting. In their own words, "It brings us a sense of closure".
Experience an exceptional funeral video made by professionals
There are many benefits involved with having a funeral video service done professionally, whether it is live streamed or edited afterwords. In the contrary, there are some who do not understand why anyone would go through the trouble of recording a funeral at all. I would like to tell you why funeral videography services are beneficial, especially when it is done by our professional funeral videographers in Toronto.
First of all, if someone, in this case an amateur, wants to record the entire service they can do so with no problem at all; however, there will be times where having this kind of video recording results in very little or poor quality video coverage. For example, seating arrangements may make things difficult or timing could get messed up during certain parts of the ceremony which cause important moments to go unrecorded entirely. These are common amateur videographer mistakes. A professional funeral videographer will make sure to capture the unexpected with precise timing in high quality definition video or 4K definition video for that matter.
A Toronto funeral videography service will not only capture the parts of the ceremony that most amateurs miss, but they may also add in special effects and music compositions to help create a moving and cinematic tribute video montage for friends and family members to embrace. They are also able to use different types of camera shots to capture all the emotions and make sure everything is covered clearly from every angle in order for everyone who could not attend the ceremony in person to get a chance to see it later on and actually feel that they were a part of the funeral service.
We provide funeral video services:
Filming Videos at a local Ontario Funeral Home or Place of Worship
Editing Video Clips Together into Customized Tribute Videos
Providing Funeral Live Stream Videos of The Funeral Service
An Emotional Tribute Slideshow or Biography Video To Honor The Loved One
A Celebration of Life Video Commemorating the Life of A Loved One
The misconceptions of a funeral video
Some people might think that having a funeral video is an unnecessary luxury, but I believe that is a misconception. A funeral video allows mourners to see the proceedings whenever they please. Whether that be weeks, months or even years down the road. It also provides a permanent record of the event which can be incredibly comforting for friends and family members who were not able to attend.
This poor reputation and unfair mental thought process stems from two factors: selfishness and injustice. It is possible for some people to feel it's unnecessary and shameful because they see the funeral as a personal tribute to themselves and their loved ones. They feel that by having a funeral video service will somehow take away from the solemnity of the occasion or cheapen the memory of their departed relative or friend. For others, it may feel shameful and they are worried what others will think of them personally. They may feel that they are not entitled to a funeral video service because their loved one didn't "die in vain." Others may feel that hiring someone to videotape the funeral is an injustice because they believe that friends and family should be recording it instead. This perspective completely disregards all of the benefits I listed above and focuses purely on misguided sentimentalism.
In my opinion, if you have someone who is willing and able to record your loved one's funeral then great! But don't discount those who cannot for whatever reason. Funeral videos are a valuable resource consisting of enormous sentimental value that should not be dismissed simply because they are uncommon. People just need to do what is right for themselves and for the betterment of their loved ones.
How much does funeral videography cost?
Another concern people have about hiring a funeral videographer has more to do with expense than anything else because most people feel that money could be used and better spent somewhere else. Although everyone is entitled to their own opinion, we believe that funeral videography is a very valuable service and asset. There are plenty of Ontario event videographers that are willing to take on any event. However, only a few will actually take on funeral services. Therefore, the demand for funeral videographers in Ontario is at an all time high. It's important to hire a professional funeral videographer who is equipped and capable of taking on this task. An experienced family event videographer would be your best option, as they are prepared to handle and capture the most delicate emotional moments of your family's life. As a result of this demand, the very few funeral videographers at hand, all offer different funeral videography pricing.
The price for our funeral videography services start at $500 and upwards. This all depends on the funeral coverage you choose, but we think it is worth every penny. We offer a range of Toronto funeral videography packages that are priced reasonably and will definitely fit into most budgets. Connect with us for a free quote.
A Tribute Slideshow Video
A Celebration of Life Video
High quality memorial videos for all families
We want you to know that all Ontario families deserve a high quality memorial video service of their loved one. No matter how much money they have to spend on it! These life changing events are no different from any other life events, such as weddings. These memories are priceless!
Our funeral video services in Toronto offer a way to capture and preserve memories of loved ones for years to come. These videos can be used as an alternative or supplement to traditional Toronto funeral photography, giving you more options on how you want your final farewells documented and shared with the world. The bad reputation these videos may have is unfounded; they are not necessarily morbid but instead provide a positive video service experience that allows those left behind some closure after death and by honoring their loved one's life through remembrance. Traditional photographs cannot convey emotion like well produced funeral videos can, making it one of the best ways to honor someone’s memory.
If you're looking for a top quality, affordable Toronto funeral videographer, we would love to hear from you! Our team is experienced in capturing beautiful and heartfelt memorial videos. We take pride in our services and always make sure the customer is satisfied before calling an end to any project. Our aim is perfection as well as professionalism, especially during the most difficult times in your life, which means your loved one gets his/her final tribute video done the perfect way.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any funeral video questions.